Well, hello there! Welcome to my about me page.

My name is C.B. Daniels.

I’m from the USA and from Florida to be specific. I enjoy adventures, new ideas, and a good conversation over a beer.

I started This One vs That One to help people discover the differences between things. I also enjoy learning new things so I thought a website about one thing vs another would be a great fit.

I hope that by visiting my site you’ve learned something new. Perhaps something you weren’t expecting to learn. If so, then I’ve done my job.

Feel free to browse around the site, I’m sure you’ll find something interesting on each page you visit.

If you’d like to make a request for a new page, I’d love to hear from you.

You can reach me at: cbdaniels@thisonevsthatone.com

Thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about me and my site. I hope you have a wonderful day!